Direct Mail: An Underrated Tool for Driving Results

Over the years, I’ve watched the digital age transform the marketing landscape. Yet, one channel that consistently proves its value—often flying under the radar—is direct mail. It’s a strategic tool that offers a physical touchpoint in a world dominated by fleeting digital interactions.

The Value of Direct Mail

From my early days at Junction59, I recognized that direct mail isn’t just about sending out flyers, catalogues or how I used to get my cable bill—it’s about creating a personal connection. When a consumer receives a piece of mail, it’s a tangible experience. Recent research shows that 87% of Canadians read their mail, whether skimming or fully engaging with the content, and 60% glance at each piece to determine relevance. This direct engagement makes mail a powerful medium in today’s marketing mix. (Canada Post Business Blog)

The Role of Direct Mail in Different Sectors

Whether you’re in B2C, B2B, or nonprofit sectors, direct mail uniquely connects with audiences.

  • B2C Marketing: Consumers are inundated with digital ads, but 88% of Canadians visit a store or website after receiving direct mail, proving its effectiveness in driving engagement. Direct mail provides the personal touch that digital ads often miss, offering a tactile experience that makes a lasting impression. It’s perfect for brand building, especially when the goal is to enhance trust and credibility. (Canada Post)
  • B2B Marketing: In B2B, decision-makers are often bombarded by emails and online ads. Direct mail provides a way to break through the clutter, standing out with a physical presence that cannot be ignored or sent to a spam folder. What’s more, direct mail offers a “pass-along” effect—when a well-crafted mail piece lands on a business professional’s desk, it can be easily shared with colleagues, influencing more decision-makers across the organization. Moreover, direct mail adds a human touch to business communications, connecting with the individual behind the role. For more on how humanizing B2B communications is essential for brand-building, check out: Shift the Focus: Why B2B Brands Should Invest More in Business-to-Human Brand Building or Humanizing B2B Marketing: Going Beyond the Whitepaper.
  • Nonprofit Marketing: Nonprofits benefit from direct mail’s ability to tell stories in a compelling and personal way. While digital channels can engage, 47% of Canadians feel direct mail is the most believable form of advertising, outpacing email and social media (Canada Post Blog). Nonprofits that integrate direct mail with digital outreach often see higher donation rates, leveraging both channels to build deeper donor relationships.

But let’s be clear: it’s not about choosing direct mail or digital—it’s about combining both effectively.

Direct Mail in a Digital World

Of course, direct mail is not the only solution for every situation. Digital can offer real-time interaction and offers more immediate tracking. But there’s a reason why 51% of Canadian consumers make a purchase after receiving direct mail. In fact, direct mail works best when combined with digital channels, offering a complementary role rather than competing. In fact, integrating direct mail with digital campaigns leads to a 39% increase in time spent engaging with the brand compared to digital-only campaigns (Canada Post Smartmail Marketing).

At Junction59, we’ve seen firsthand how a seamless blend of direct mail and digital elevates campaign performance. The key takeaway? Direct mail works on its own and  even better when it acts as part of a multichannel strategy, enhancing the overall customer journey.


Direct mail isn’t a relic of the past—it’s a powerful, adaptable tool that has evolved alongside digital marketing. When used strategically, it creates lasting impressions, drives action, and builds trust. However, its true power shines when integrated with digital efforts, ensuring that your marketing efforts reach customers in both tangible and virtual ways. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, drive engagement, or build deeper customer relationships, direct mail deserves a key place in your marketing mix.

To explore case studies and see how direct mail can work for your brand, visit our website, or check out one of our favourite clients’ websites, Canada Post, which has dozens of case studies and resources to inspire your next campaign.