Who pays attention to Direct Mail anyway? Most of us actually!

This blog was originally posted on LinkedIn content, we are reposting it here for reference.

Turns out Direct Mail gets lots of attention, more than social media, more than TV, in fact more than just about any other channel.

  • Average time spent with Direct Mail – 108 seconds
  • Average time spent with a 30 second TV spot – 13.8 seconds
  • Average time spent with a Facebook infeed ad – 1.6 seconds
     (WARC White paper “The attention advantage”)

 And if it’s ROI you are focused on, DM delivers the most there too!

 And, think it is just for Gen X and older, think again, people of all ages trust DM.

  • Gen Z loves Direct Mail, with 42% trusting it as a credible channel, proving that even digital natives engage with physical mail.
    (Understanding the impact of direct mail inside Canadian homes, Canada Post, February 2023.)

So, if you are a brand or an agency, and I have got you thinking that Direct Mail should be part of your 2025 plans, it’s not too late to talk about how we can partner to get the power of DM working for you.