XFL Floodlight Launch

The Ask: Drive awareness and preference for RAB’s new comprehensive XFL floodlight offering amongst distributors and contractors.

The Idea: As the most comprehensive floodlight launching into the market, the XFL’s clever design means one light holds multiple possibilities. We want to boldly tell the audience that RAB’s new product line uncomplicates lighting, because it’s the only floodlight needed to get the job done right, even with multiple applications.

Creative Direction: We wanted to highlight all the incredible benefits of the XFL Floodlight, while still showing its simplicity. For the Direct Mail, we visualize this with a gatefold piece—showing a narrow, directional floodlight magically widen as you open the DM. The new XFL is virtually that easy. You’re able to shine the beam of light where it’s most needed. We take this a step further in our video by taking the viewer on a journey in time, from where RAB Design Lighting began. Rooted in quality and innovation from day one, it brings us from humble beginnings to a pivotal moment—their latest innovation, the XFL. Through swift, dynamic clips showcasing diverse scenarios illuminated by light, and the contrast between light and dark infuses a sense of luxury and sophistication. Through stark shadows, we feature product shots and interviews with RAB’s president, David Beron, who highlights the adaptable nature of the XFL floodlight, while visually showing its amazing benefits and incredible simplicity. With the XFL you really can shine a light exactly where you need it. 

RAB XFL Launch Video


Direct Marketing

Direct Mail
Online Video