TELUS Online Security

TELUS, primarily known for consumer telecom, needed to launch and generate leads for their Online Security solution while being up against little to no awareness, limited brand association with the category, and diverse audience use cases.

With a tall order to go from awareness to leads on a complex B2B product offering, the campaign needed to do double duty. TELUS Online Security (TOS) needed to be positioned as a credible provider in the space, followed by generating leads across two strategically identified audience segments: Senior HR professionals and Breach Response advisory professionals. 

Next, we needed to understand and develop messaging to resonate with the unique needs and pain points of our different audience segments. 

For HR professionals, the strategy centered on positioning TOS as a valuable addition to employee benefits – a modern approach that not only protects the company’s assets but also enhances its competitive edge in attracting and retaining top talent. By framing TOS as a forward-thinking, win-win solution, we aimed to align with HR professionals’ goals of offering comprehensive and attractive benefits packages.

For Breach Response professionals, the messaging strategy aimed to highlight TOS as a premium offering spanning far beyond the basic credit monitoring competitors. We emphasized how TOS could demonstrate a business’s commitment to care and security following a breach, showcasing it as an essential component of a robust breach response plan that could help retain customers and brand image.

To capture the attention and resonate with the unique needs of both audiences, two distinct creative approaches were deployed:

HR professionals: We emphasized the importance of modern benefits, positioning TOS as a vital tool for attracting and retaining talent. Using the iconic ‘human evolution’ visual, we highlighted the evolving needs of employees, underscoring the necessity of online security as part of a comprehensive, innovative and differentiated benefits package. 

Static Banners

LinkedIn Social Post

Animated Banners

Breach Response professionals: We leveraged TELUS’ brand imagery of nature, creating a metaphor for care and protection. The palm leaf shielding a device conveyed how TOS goes beyond basic credit monitoring to offer extensive protection and support for businesses recovering from a breach, highlighting the service’s premium customer care and comprehensive offering.

Static Banners

LinkedIn Social Post

Print ad

Animated Banners

Media Approach:

  • Programmatic Banners and LinkedIn Ads targeted both audiences for broad visibility and engagement
  • We placed content and banners in HR-industry publications ensuring our message reached HR leaders
  • Globe and Mail Sponsored Content included a gated lead generation whitepaper, print ads, digital banners, custom e-blasts, e-newsletter banners, and retargeting all designed to capture and nurture leads
  • Sponsored Eblasts and Posts: Delivered directly to the inboxes and feeds of our target audiences, ensuring our message was seen and considered

By employing visually distinct and strategically targeted content, we ensured that each segment received messages that resonated with their specific needs, while maintaining a cohesive brand.

Through a mix of targeted channels across LinkedIn, Globe and Mail sponsored content and eblasts the campaign achieved 2x CTR, reduced cost per lead and overachieved on leads by 54%.

TELUS Business  

Direct Marketing 

Digital Banners 
Social Media 
Print Advertising 

Summit Creative Awards 2024 - GOLD - Online Campaign